Program Overview
Target Audience
- Psychiatrists
- Clinical Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Psychotherapists
- Counselors
- Nurses
- Occupational Therapists
- Educators
- Researchers
- School Health Medicine
- Public Health Workers
Session Formats
- Pre-congress
- Keynote Talks
- Scientific Workshops
- Lunch Symposia
- Oral Presentations
- ePosters
- Industry Exhibition
CME Accreditation
Accredited by the Emirates Health Services for 12.5 CME Points.
Tracks and More
- Artificial Intelligence and Suicide Prevention
- Recent Advances in the Neurobiology of Resilience
- Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health
- Meet the Expert: Artificial Intelligence and Addiction
- Informative Session: Halek Le Hamek Remote Medical Consultancy
- Debate: Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health
- Clinical Experience Session: Old Age and Artificial Intelligence
- Special Symposia:
- Adolescent’s Brain Verses Impact of Trauma
- Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health: Risks & Benefits
- The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- History of Artificial Intelligence
- & more!