Partner with ESMH

To ensure the success of the conference, companies are invited to participate through different sponsorship tiers. Sponsorship provides the opportunity to promote your company during the conference, by having dedicated exhibition stands and through other promotion opportunities related with the Conference. Partner with the Emirates Society of Mental Health at this year's exciting conference. With over 30 exhibitors expected to join this year, ESMH is marking 2024 as a highlighted year as we introduce the tech zone, a dedicated area for Mental Health and AI tech startups, incubators, accelerators and more in the world of AI.

Why support the 31st Emirates Society Mental Health International Congress?

  • Unique exposure to relevant and dynamic audience of 500+ highly specialized healthcare professionals
  • Gaining crucial insights into the most up to-date research and findings in the fields of Psychiatry
  • Valuable opportunities to place your company at the forefront by promoting cutting-edge research in the scientific program
  • Aligning your organization with the outcomes of the ESMH International Conference clearly demonstrates your commitment to the field

Benefits Of AI Companies:

  • Exploring an untouched market exposing start ups to several KOLs
  • Networking amongst decision makers in the GCC government
  • Discovering lines of collaboration between exhibited AI solutions and market needs



As a supporter, your logo will be significantly displayed across our event resources, web platform, and marketing materials, offering your company exceptional visibility.


Engage with influential policy-makers, medical experts, and industry visionaries in the healthcare field.


Exhibit your dedication to medical superiority and the welfare of the community.


Acquire insights into current healthcare trends, cutting-edge developments, and industry-leading strategies.


Illustrate your company's dedication to contributing positively to the healthcare industry.


For Contracting, Floor Plan & Sponsorship Invoicing:
Basil Kadara
Cell: +971 50 929 9239

For Registration, Educational Grants, Logistics & Operations:
Nada Chahwan
Cell: +961 70 222 673